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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Tranplant - Day 19

Vishal's condition deteriorated a little today. His body is so sensitive now that changing his bed spread caused some fluctuations in his blood pressure. The doctors plan to increase the dosage of sedatives to stabilize his condition a little. So far he has been relying on IV for essential nutrients. There's also a plan to feed him some food through a pipe. This was tried last week but did not work out well. His body was not capable of absorbing all the nutrients from the food and after a while they had to pump this out of his stomach. Hopefully, this should work out today. All this has been taking a huge toll on Swati and her family. So far Swati has been enduring this situation with great strength. Please send some positive thoughts and comments her way, it would immensely boost her confidence and faith. Everybody is waiting for one positive sign to lift up our hopes; a small bright signal that will drive the darkness away. Hopefully and God willingly we will see that very soon. Please continue to keep Vishal, Swati and their family in your thoughts and prayers.

Thank You!


  1. The Vishal we know is a fighter..he will pull through...its a matter of time..

  2. Sending all the positive energy your way!!!! Keep up the faith!!!

  3. WE are all here praying for early recovery. And just waiting for things to get better day by day. Keep up the positive thoughts and God is there to take care....Swati just few more steps to reach the success..don't let your hopes stumble...Things will improve and Vishal will recover..the wbc count will increase very soon.

  4. Hoping for a brighter day today. Sending you our prayers. Let's hope that this is the day that things start improving.

  5. Swati keep your calm everything will be good. You are the source of strength to Vishal too. You have showed a lot of strength, now don't loose it, believe in God and and everything will be OK. Vishal will recover soon. You and your family will be in our prayers. And will pray for Vishal's quick recovery.

  6. Prayers and Wishes for early recovery....Hopping and waiting for the positive signs....

  7. Thanks for the regular updates. Vishal will pull it through...and we'll help with our prayers.

  8. Ami says:
    Swati you and your family has been a gr8 strength for Vishal as well among yourselves. So pls be strong n things are cent % gng to improve with Vishal. We all have gr8 faith in God.

    All our prayers and happiness are in the name of Vishal n Swati

  9. Our prayers to vishal for a speedy recovery.
